Other feedback


I have been a huge fan of the Ninigret design since I first saw the plans about 15 years ago. It’s great to see someone building the design today, and you’ve done a great job with it — that is a beautiful boat. Thanks for publishing photos of the building process, the final result, and your thoughts along the way. Inspirational and informative.

Thank you, and great job!


Hello to Ireland,
Congragulations for this phantastic boat. I wonder if there are people in Germany interested at a boat like this. Sadly, most of them go for plastic.




NOW! That’s a REAL boat!… NICE..!

Chief Redelk


Roeboats, Ballydehob, Co. Cork, t:+353 (0)28 38973 m: +353 (0)86 158 69 37 e:roeboats@ymail.com
